i need another blog, like i need another job. yet, here i am again opening up another blog. why? well even though most days i doubt anyone really reads my livejournal, the fact that i know people can makes me nervous at times. yet, here anyone can. but it sort of puts my mind at ease that no one really knows it's me here. not unless someone is cyber-stalking me, then well, yea never mind hah.

the biggest point of this is for logging my dreams. why? well, truth be told i dream nearly never. typically once a month, if i'm lucky. the only good thing then, my dreams--when they come--are insanely vivid and long as heck. they feel as if they last for months and months. although i have zero control, and at times my dreams scare me like no bodies business, i still enjoy them. i guess, it's like, if you're used to just total blackness in between waking states you'll take just about anything. yet, at the same time it makes me nervous about some of the things i dream at times. and how i enjoy them when typically i know i shouldn't. sorry, that makes no real sense. lets just say my dreams, they can be very, very odd. and usually i don't ever tell anyone else about them because for the most part some of the things i dream just can't be classified as normal in the slightest.

so i guess what i'm saying is, this isn't a blog that will be updated quite regularly. i will however log two of my previous dreams. one for two nights ago, and one that happened the night of january 16th. but i can see myself also updating just to update, who knows.

i also thought, just incase anybody out there is actually reading this, maybe i'd say a tad about myself. i am a twenty-one year old girl, i'll be twenty-two on april 23rd. i work two jobs, a nanny two a nearly two year old girl, and work at a daycare as an enhance support worker for a six year old boy with ADHD and moderate-to-severe behavioural issues, and a thirteen month old boy with cerebal palsy. i love my jobs, although both are extremely demanding, i wouldn't trade them for the world. i work 6 days a week, monday to saturday, and most days are double shift days (nanny-ing from 7:15-5:00, then daycare from 6:00-8:00). on sundays, i sleep in a bit if i don't have school assignments. i'm finishing up my early childhood education via distance/online. then when ever i'm needed, i also do occasional childcare for two families, four and five year old boy siblings, and a four year old girl. both families are wonderful, and i love both kids to pieces--reasons why i will work for them even if i have to be up early the next morning or have an assignment to finish up. i have two cats, one who lives with me and the other is back with my mum in toronto area. i live on my own, i rent a room out of a really nice womans home. i am in a pretty serious long-distance relationship. it sucks like nobodies business, but when you're in love what can you do?

anyways, i'm not really what else i'm going to write..so yea, that it i guess.



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About this blog

About Me

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i am twenty-one, a bit of a workaholic, an animal lover, crafty, artistic, musical, movie buff, a day dreamer, autistic, obsessed with green, a reader, over-emotional, a granddaughter, a daughter, a sister, a cousin, a friend, a girlfriend and a lover..i am me, and nobody else


Ashley Davies: "Whatever people consider to be normal, it never is."

Allison Cameron: "I don't sleep with everyone who is better then Hitler."

Bridget McManus: "As a gay person, I have to accept the fact that there are a lot of straight people on this planet. But, there were also a lot of dinosaurs on this planet. And look what happened them."

Fai: "I love gays!"
Me: "Uh, Fai..? You are gay..."
Fai: "Oh my god I am! That's riiiight, I love girls!!!!"

Kathryn Johnson: "The More You Know....."
Me: "..The More I Wish I Never Asked Questions"
